June 3rd, 2007
Novicius | | Join Date: June 3rd, 2007
Posts: 2
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A very wet hello from Texas! My username says Rust1021, but prefer to just be called Matt! :-P LOL I'm proud to say that I've I've used some iteration of the gnutella client since my junior year of college (try 1999). However, since P2P has since moved away from community oriented systems like IRV or Hotline, I decided to come out of my cave of discarded PPC Mac carcasses and rejoin the P2P community. This just seemed like the logical place to do it. I'm gonna try and adhere to the rules as best as I can. I have noticed that on other 'boards, the forum-ops make the crankiest BBS SysOps of my day look like trembling sheep! Not here though. (steps down off text-based soapbox and runs back toward the cave)
:-P Hope I'll learn somethin in the process to.
Matt |