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Bon60 August 21st, 2007 06:37 AM

:bangh: WHY is is EVERY time I TRY to find a movie..all that keeps coming up is CLIPS?????? NOT the movie version??? WHAT am I doing wrong???
You cannot burn a CLIP..what good is that??

HELP someone out there PLEASE!!!:w00t:

AaronWalkhouse August 21st, 2007 09:47 AM

What's a "clip"? Are you talking about short segments or is that just what your computer calls them?

Bon60 August 21st, 2007 10:24 AM

Movie Clip
I am replying to a SHORT clip 1 picture


AaronWalkhouse August 21st, 2007 02:26 PM

If that's it the files must be very small. Use whatever filtering options your gnutella app has to
filter out small files.

If the files are big but have only "clips", then they are fakes. Try searching for real files
and click on the magnet links of the ones you choose to download.

Bon60 August 21st, 2007 02:45 PM

Sorry I dont get it and I CANNOT get any movies I search for anyway!!!

Do you have a refund policy???:aweof:


AaronWalkhouse August 21st, 2007 04:41 PM

What for? You didn't even mention which of many programs we support here, none of which we own. :p

Go to and search. You'll find magnet links on the pages of files you find.

Bon60 August 22nd, 2007 12:51 PM

Hi Aaron;
Sorry..but I get very anxious when something I paid fordoesnt I went into bitzi..and how do I search for the movies that I want to bring up on Limewire Pro??
I am new at this..never done it before. I find that whenever I put a movie into the Video box in Search in Limewire..everything BUT my movie comes I using it wrong?..Thanks for your help.

AaronWalkhouse August 22nd, 2007 02:48 PM

There's a search box on every Bitzi page too.
The best way to learn is to try it.

Bon60 August 22nd, 2007 02:50 PM

movies search
so I just put the name of the movie or DVD into the search box?
Thanks Aaron


ukbobboy01 August 23rd, 2007 05:33 AM


You seem to be under a mistaken believe that everything you request on the gnutella network is readily available, simply put whoever told you this is lying.

The gnutella network is made up of thousands, probably millions, of computer users and enthusiasts who mostly (and freely) share the computer files they have on their PCs and Macs. That means no-one can tell or promise you what files will be available when or even if a file is out there or not.

So, it takes time to learn for yourself the best times to search for any particular file, especially if it is rare, because you do not know when and if the person who has that file will turn his/her PC on.

You know, I wish you luck in finding what you are looking for but, as said before, there are no guarantees that you will.

UK Bob

PS. I am getting the feeling that you purchased your copy of LW from a scam site because they will promise you anything to part you from your money.

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