September 6th, 2007
Novicius | | Join Date: September 1st, 2007
Posts: 2
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Just introducing myself Hi! I'm Scorpios Blue Eyes! Just wanted to say Hi to everyone and tell my system details (at least what I know)! I appreciate Gnutella for having a place for me to go if I have problems.
My operating system is Windows XP Home. I think my client is Limewire 4.14.8. If this is not what you meant about the client, sorry my goof. My internet connection is dial-up 56K. I connect from my house. I have the newest Java I think. My ISP is NetZero. If I have a problem in the future (which I know will happen since my computer has attitude problems) I will give more details then. I rescue abused and beaten animals for a living. I enjoy the hope that I give them. I like to ride my horse (which was beaten and starved) and she loves it here. I am sick so I don't work, but all the animals is work I guess. I thought I would say Hi to everyone and tell yall about me so you can get to know me. Thank you all for the help I might need in the future. Have a nice day! Scorpios Blue Eyes |