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  #1 (permalink)  
Old October 19th, 2009
Join Date: October 19th, 2009
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painter345 is flying high
Angry zapshares

zapshares----need help---lost limewire library
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old October 20th, 2009
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Hi painter345 and . So what your saying is, by using this software, your LW library has been deleted?? Check your HDD to see if the files are still there. If not, I wouldn't recommend this program to anyone.
Sounds like a new tactic used by the MAFIAA.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old October 20th, 2009
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Zapshare is owned by same person who operates Peermatrix & PeerSentry, yes those same programs that spam the network with junk files in your search results.

p2pnet news Blog Archive ZapShares, PeerMatrix, PeerSentry, anyone?

ZapShares or PeerMatrix, anyone? | Ares Download

p2pnet news Blog Archive ZapShares ‘revolutionary’ anti-lawsuits app (replies from Zapshare.)

Zapshare is an anti-file-sharing utility that is both adware & spyware combined. It also prevents your sharing of files. As can be seen from the 3 links above, most of what the company advertises at their site is either highly inaccurate or lies, combined with the propaganda of safe file sharing to grab your attention. They are obviously out to mislead you & everyone else.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old October 20th, 2009
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kill em with extreme prejudice...

So Long and Thanks for All the Files

Beware of the big 3 insurance companies in Texas! Read your policies carefully (maybe you'll need a lawyer) Allstate, Farmers & State Farm are overextended and their 'coverage' is worthless...a true waste of your money Read This
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old January 12th, 2010
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Default ZapShares - works great for me!

Originally Posted by painter345 View Post
zapshares----need help---lost limewire library
I found ZapShares after reading a review on CNet's and have been running it for a few weeks now. No problems here and it works great for me! The library files are there as always and everything functions just as promised...completed downloads are stopped from being shared...with ALL the programs I use...not just LimeWire but uTorrent as well...

The logic behind the program seems to be to automatically remove downloaded files from being shared...makes sense to me based on what I know...if the RIAA does a search and find you're not sharing files...they can't sue you and can kiss your a**...seems to work great!

One of my friends was one of the guys that the RIAA went after last year...he settled out of court but I saw first hand the hassle the guy had to go through...**** the movie industry/music industry and their lawsuits/harassment!

Personally, I'd rather not need a program like this, but thanks to the **** movie/music industry...I'm just glad someone thought of it...
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old January 12th, 2010
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How easily mislead some people are. Facts are facts, as noted in my previous post. A number of articles have been written & discussed about the company that owns Zapshares. If you were duped by this software's advertising, well that's your issue, but I would not recommend this software to other people.

And check Remoc's post above, this person's shares were deleted by ZapShare. What a nice little program it is (deleting your own files without your knowledge!)

I would suggest everyone stay as many miles away from it as possible. It is not to be trusted. Especially when the company that made it is directly/indirectly involved with sponsorship from the RIAA.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old January 12th, 2010
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Originally Posted by Lord of the Rings View Post
How easily mislead some people are. Facts are facts, as noted in my previous post. A number of articles have been written & discussed about the company that owns Zapshares. If you were duped by this software's advertising, well that's your issue, but I would not recommend this software to other people.

And check Remoc's post above, this person's shares were deleted by ZapShare. What a nice little program it is (deleting your own files without your knowledge!)

I would suggest everyone stay as many miles away from it as possible. It is not to be trusted. Especially when the company that made it is directly/indirectly involved with sponsorship from the RIAA.
lol...I have a feeling that Remoc didn't read the software help file...that's the ONLY problem with the software I've found!

I was using an older version of the software which DISABLED the library (yes, this was mentioned in the help file and during the installation process), which is why Remoc must have thought his files were deleted. The files were still there but just not listed in the library.

HOWEVER, the new version I installed a few weeks ago works even better. The library function works perfectly as normal...the company says they've upgraded the protection while offering full library all files are now listed in the library as perfectly just as promised...

I guess the company could be associated with the RIAA (they seem well funded...positive review on CNet's ... and have even been mentioned in the Washington Post)...but who knows...

All I know is that I'm not taking any me greedy...I know I'm not sharing any files now that I'm running ZapShares, but I figure let someone else take the risks...1 ad for 1 download...I can download all I want...not have to for me...I'm a happy camper...and the RIAA/MPAA and kiss my a**!
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old January 12th, 2010
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Originally Posted by avatar999 View Post
completed downloads are stopped from being shared...with ALL the programs I use...not just LimeWire but uTorrent as well...
So what your announcing to the masses is, your nothing but a Leech. Bad move D00d. It will only take the right person that knows your IP address and you'll be banned from where ever you get your files, unless your one of those that download from public trackers.

Originally Posted by avatar999 View Post
lol...I have a feeling that Remoc didn't read the software help file.
Your right!! I'm not stupid enough to use the program, so why would I waste my time reading about it.

Originally Posted by avatar999 View Post
Remoc must have thought his files were deleted. The files were still there but just not listed in the library.
Avatar999...If you would have read the thread, you would have realized that this wasn't my problem. The OP was Painter345.

Finally Avaay, Your not making much of a splash here on the forums, Letting members know that your a Leech and proud of it. Doesn't go over well with people that share.

You seem to be nothing more than a MAFIAA troll.

Good Luck and how is Canada this time of year?? LOL
I Don't Suffer From Insanity, I Enjoy Every Minute of it

Last edited by Remoc; January 12th, 2010 at 03:32 PM.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old January 12th, 2010
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ZapShares is a Canadian company. Oh what a coincidence avatar999 lol
... It should also be noted that these two scam website “companies” also have no privacy policy, yet they’re registered by a Canadian.
“It keeps its promise to advertisers by persuading reality challenged users allow it to plant a spyware application on their computers for `monitoring` purposes,” we said, going on:

“It goes without saying that anyone who allows any commercial company in any way attached to the advertising community to embed software in their computer needs serious professional help. ..."
Have you ever sought such assistance in that area yet?

Quote: “The ZapShares software scans and monitors a P2P user’s computer, ...
Example, the loss of shared files by painter345 !
Originally Posted by Devil's Advocate
“ZapShares solves this problem by creating a Secure Vault, which stops files a user downloads using their favorite P2P file sharing software from automatically being shared with other P2P users.”

The idea of P2P software is sharing.
Many P2P communities rate your sharing ratios, giving connective priority to those who DO share.
(Taking without sharing is typically viewed as “leaching”.)

A P2P user ALREADY HAS CONTROL of what is shared, without the advertising-subsidized, malware-assisted add-on service.
I haven’t seen too many P2P softwares that don’t offer this control. ...
Leech software. Interesting. Not to mention the lack of copyright file sharing of course. Reminds me a lot of The Story: Shareaza, iMesh, RIAA, and Recent Events.

“ZapShares, PeerMatrix, PeerSentry, anyone?”:
Originally Posted by ZapShares
We offer three DISTINCT P2P solutions, at you noted in this article. PeerSentry is an anti-piracy solution. PeerMatirx is a P2P advertising solution, and ZapShares is our solution to protect P2P users ...
Comment responses to article:
Originally Posted by Reader's Write
September 2nd, 2009 at 3:42 pm
I am ashamed that a Canadian is pulling this scam. Even going to US congress with the fabricated crap and scare tactic.

The American users have every right to be Canada bashing now.

/me hangs head in shame. ...
No Trest. The FACT is that you are selling off people. Selling off these fake security apps to put your real focus, peersentry crap, onto people and f'**ing their communications.

With what we see in that patent filing, you are the same as an ID fraudster.

Ultimate parasite
Originally Posted by Devil's Advocate
You know, Trest, you remind of a weapons dealer – selling your “solutions” to each element of the war, hoping to collect from all.

What makes you think the file sharers in question – those concerned with getting “inadvertently” (as you say) nailed downloading the wrong file – would trust connecting to your networks, knowing you propose not only enabling the advertisers, but possibly serving up the users to groups like the RIAA.

You’re obviously a parasite.
Dare I say more. I think this about finishes this topic.

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; January 12th, 2010 at 07:40 PM.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old January 12th, 2010
Join Date: January 12th, 2010
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avatar999 is flying high

Originally Posted by Remoc View Post
So what your announcing to the masses is, your nothing but a Leech. Bad move D00d. It will only take the right person that knows your IP address and you'll be banned from where ever you get your files, unless your one of those that download from public trackers.

Your right!! I'm not stupid enough to use the program, so why would I waste my time reading about it.

Avatar999...If you would have read the thread, you would have realized that this wasn't my problem. The OP was Painter345.

Finally Avaay, Your not making much of a splash here on the forums, Letting members know that your a Leech and proud of it. Doesn't go over well with people that share.

You seem to be nothing more than a MAFIAA troll.

Good Luck and how is Canada this time of year?? LOL
My apologies Remoc! Sorry about that! You're right...Painter345 was the one that didn't read the instructions...

As for being a I said, let someone else take the risks...look at it this way...people decades ago use to build bridges...and many lost their lives in accidents falling off the bridge during the construction...yet as soon as the bridge was built...and to this day...we still use those bridges...

So I'm letting someone else build the bridge for me (share the files) and just using the bridge (downloading) dif if you ask If others want to build the bridge and I want to use it...all the power to me I think!

Anyway, LOTR is right...I think there's been enough said about the topic! lol
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