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maryannlong December 19th, 2009 09:53 AM

hi, i am mary ann and very new to limewire using 5.3.6 i will have a new computer by tuesday of next week 12/22 and wondering if it is best to wait until then to upgrade to limewire pro (trying to take advantage of 20% discount b4 12/31) i am not real computer literate when it comes to limewire. help!!!:confused:

appreciate all responses:sos:

birdy December 19th, 2009 06:36 PM

Hi Mary Ann,


Do you have the 5.3.6 installer saved? The latest version is now 5.4.6 & some people have had issues with downloads stalling this version. If you have the old installer saved, then you can always reinstall that version if you have any probs with the current release ;)

If you want to try Pro on your old computer then upgrade now by all means. But if you only intend to use Pro on your new computer I'd wait until you have that... just so that you don't waste any of your Pro benefits (ie email support & free updates).
When you buy Pro, your Pro benefits begin from the date of purchase. So if you buy Pro & don't use it for a week or so, you've kind of wasted that week's worth if you know what I mean :)

And when you decide to buy Pro, just remember to buy from the official site only:
That way, you'll always be able to access your free downloads & email support!

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