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Welcome112358 January 16th, 2010 07:24 AM

What up and dub
What up everybody, I've never really been apart of a network community so I guess this is pretty cool. I'm a freshman at School Craft...enough said. What I really wanna get out of this is to connect with people and share dubstep songs because it's hard finding some good dub (and good people for that matter). I've never shared files because of the potential danger but this seems to be a legit website so if you're into dubstep at all or you just wanna chat, just let me know cuz I'm down for w/e.


Oh and btw, :sos: cuz I'm trying to convert song files to itunes but its just not working. Any suggestions?

Lord of the Rings January 16th, 2010 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by Welcome112358 (Post 352096)
... I'm trying to convert song files to itunes but its just not working. Any suggestions?

If the files are mp3, m4a, aiff, wav then no conversion necessary. Simply add the files to iTunes. How to transfer music to my iPod (& iTunes) {click on link}

Welcome112358 January 17th, 2010 06:26 AM

cool, thanks man ill check that out

Welcome112358 January 17th, 2010 09:30 AM

Hey so i was reading that tutorial and it seems to be a different problem, although I'm not very familiar with all this. However, whenever I try to convert the files or whatever it says its protected by the Digital Rights Management. Whats that all about?

Lord of the Rings January 17th, 2010 10:12 AM

DRM = Digital rights management - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What are the file extensions?

Apple no longer uses DRM through their iTunes store since a year ago, however most other online commercial sales of music still use DRM. People who purchase such music online should not share it online via p2p file sharing because nobody else can play such files, only the owner.

Welcome112358 January 19th, 2010 02:47 PM

they're all .wma. It's just weird cuz I've downloaded 4 different artists but they've all come up with the same thing...

Lord of the Rings January 19th, 2010 05:06 PM

I'd recommend stay away from WMA files. Seek mp3 files & you will likely do much better. WMA is a potentially dangerous format

Welcome112358 January 21st, 2010 01:57 PM

Aight I definitely will then, thanks for the heads up

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