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guitarman February 10th, 2010 02:27 AM

Hello Mates from Australia
I was told to post an introduction =), here it is. Im from australia, im 19 years old, i play loads of sport and i do alot of xbox gaming. I listen to rock, screamo, metal, and hardcore. All my songs recently got deleted and i have to redownload them... which is a huge pain!

Ive got a question for ya: How do i download whole albums off limewire of frostwire on a mac? Whats a good free torrent site for mac osx where i can download whole albums? thank ya!

Blackhorse 70V February 10th, 2010 04:09 AM

G'day guitarman, and welcome to the Gnutella forums!

You've come to the right place with your questions. One of the Mac users will probably have answers for you soon.

Free torrent sites can be found via search engines. If you're looking for a good torrent client, I would recommend Vuze or uTorrent (not sure if they run on Mac). While Limewire is capable of downloading torrents, it is not recommended (banned from some sites).

Lord of the Rings February 10th, 2010 05:16 AM

I use Vuse (Azureus) on Mac OSX. There is also a uTorrent beta for Mac but I haven't tried it.

For downloading albums, check some tips here: 1. and general tips for downloading music here: 2. How to find music.

For mac of course you would stay away from WMA or Real Player files, which in any case are patent formats.

One way to find torrent sites is to google search for the name of the artist & album & put the word torrent after it.

guitarman February 11th, 2010 06:13 AM

thankyou all mates! exellent but i found a backup file that had all most all of my music! thanks though!

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