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Windows Problems with installing LimeWire or WireShare for Windows users

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Old May 4th, 2013
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Default LimeStart installer, a 2 in one fix for Java 7 Shortcuts and Connection insurance

Edit 2020-09-11 - LimeWire Setup LW5 has now replaced the fix mentioned further below. Only applicable to LimeWire 5 and LPE for Windows users. This fix does numerous things including getting LW ready to connect let alone start, without the need to run any scripts after installing and no longer limited to java 6. Most (99.95%) thanks go to bigjx of the WireShare project. LimeWire Setup LW5-FGLPE via MediaFire or via SaberCat - End of edit note.

No need to read below! That early version is replaced with the smooth fixes provided above for both Java and other new fixes.

Over a year ago I created a program for MacOSX users of LimeWire 5 called LimeStart. They use this to open LW with instead of opening LW directly.
I have created a program with the equivalent name and function for Windows users.

The Windows LimeStart function is mostly identical to the MacOSX version:
LimeStart updates the connection file's date to today's date then launches LimeWire, preventing LW from deleting the connection file if it has not been used for 28 or more days. LimeStart for Windows however has a secondary function, it is also used to start LimeWire without the launch problem with Java 7. LimeStart closes immediately (fraction of a second) after it has launched LimeWire.

The Windows LimeStart I've designed is not clever but uses a roundabout method of achieving the same thing as the MacOSX version does. LimeStart.exe is now installed into its own program folder so it should not interfere with uninstalling LW if you wished to at any point. When you open LimeStart, LimeWire will open and LimeStart will immediately close. You will not actually see LimeStart as it does its work in the background.

(edit: I forgot to mention, LimeStart.exe should probably be put into any security software exceptions lists.)

I have created a multi-LimeWire version installer for LimeStart so that it replaces the original shortcuts and also solves the Java 7 startup issue. It will be fine to use with Java 6 as you will want to open LimeStart and not LimeWire directly to safeguard your connection file. But definitely do not use LimeStart with LimeWire 4.
It is important to choose the appropriate version of LimeWire in the LimeStart installer so the equivalent Shortcuts are replaced.

Very Important: "If" you have previously installed the LW 5-Java or LPE-Java Shortcut fix, you will first need to uninstall it using the Add/Remove Programs Control Panel. The LW-Java Shortcuts listing will be underneath the LimeWire listing in the Add/Remove control panel. This MUST be done first before installing LimeStart.

LimeStart installer, a 2 in one fix for Java 7 Shortcuts and Connection insurance-remove-lw-javashortcuts.gif

Another note: If you ever wish to uninstall LimeStart, use the Add/Remove control panel.

LimeStart installer, a 2 in one fix for Java 7 Shortcuts and Connection insurance-remove-limestart-javashortcuts.gif

When will it be available?
The LimeStart installer is now hosted at a few locations but on its own here, and can be found where the forum hosts the other LPE and LW5 versions. All LPE and LW 5 versions hosted via the forum are now packaged with the . LW 5 + LPE - LimeStart + Java Fix setup.

Tested on Windows XP with LPE, Windows 7 and 8 with LW 5.4.6 and LW-LightWeight.

LimeStart installer, a 2 in one fix for Java 7 Shortcuts and Connection insurance-limestart-install-window1.gif LimeStart installer, a 2 in one fix for Java 7 Shortcuts and Connection insurance-limestart-install-window2.gif LimeStart installer, a 2 in one fix for Java 7 Shortcuts and Connection insurance-limestart-install-window3.gif LimeStart installer, a 2 in one fix for Java 7 Shortcuts and Connection insurance-limestart-install-window4.gif

Windows LimeStart: via MediaFire

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; June 3rd, 2013 at 12:35 PM. Reason: LimeStart is now a single silent running file + only remains open for a second/two. Now installs into its own program folder
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