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Lex February 29th, 2004 05:15 AM

Probs with installing and running LimeWire Pro
I tried to intall LimeWire Pro. The install process runs smoothly however when I click the button "Finish", the system freezes. After terminating the process in Windows task management (ctrl
-alt-del) I get the message: "1628: Failed to complete installation".

The program does start however but while running the screen keeps flikkering. Does it have something to do with the turbo? I tried everything; reinstalling, downloading isscript etc. The program keeps flikkering. It is very irritating. How can I solve this? Please advice.


Lex February 29th, 2004 06:12 AM

Flikkering screen
Well, it appears that the installation probs mentioned-above do not occur when I install the international version of 3.8.6. Pro for XP. However, while running it keeps flikkering (or blinking). I suspect it has something to do with JAva.....although I installed the latest (?) version of JRE (1.3.1_04). Maybe a hardware driver problem? Any advice will be highly appreciated!

and all of this only to get rid of the spyware...........

Lex February 29th, 2004 09:41 AM

Problem solved
I solved the problem! The flikkering is caused by an old version of Java (Runtime Environment version 1.3.1_02) that LimeWire automatically downloads when installing the program.

I uninstalled the 1.3.1_02 version en downloaded and installed the newest version from the Sun Microsystems website (1.4.2_03). Guess what? No problems anymore.

Hopefully, this information will be helpfull for other users of LimeWire 3.8.6. Pro under XP who encounter the same problems.


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