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Windows Problems with installing LimeWire or WireShare for Windows users

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  #461 (permalink)  
Old July 29th, 2009
Join Date: July 29th, 2009
Posts: 1
Alembic is flying high

Hi, I'm Alembic. My system details and problem follow.

System details

1. OS: Windows XP Home SP3
2. Firewall: whatever comes with Windows
3. Ram: 1.5GB
4. HD space: 26GB free space
5. Connection: broadband
6. Modem: Netgear DM111P
7. Router: Linksys WRT54GP2
8. Connecting from: home
9. Limewire version: cannot download either version 5.2.10 or its predecessor
10. Java version: version 6 update 14
11. ISP: Iinet
12. Test page: “Your test worked”
13. Not sharing this computer
14. I have had Limewire installed for years but I have moved house recently and when I tried to use Limewire, a box with what looks like a Java icon in its top left corner appeared in which was the following message:

One or more necessary files appear to be invalid. This is generally caused by a corrupted installation. Please try downloading and installing Limewire again.
LimeWire version 5.1.4
Java version 1.6.0_14 from Sun Microsystems Inc.
Windows XP v. 5.1 on x86
Free/total memory: 64470976/66650112

java.lang.ClassFormatError: Unknown constant tag 102 in class file java/util/concurrent/CopyOnWriteArrayList
at java.lang.ClassLoader.findBootstrapClass(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.findBootstrapClass0(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(Unknown Source)
at org.limewire.util.FileUtils.<clinit>(FileUtils.jav a:49)
at com.limegroup.gnutella.util.LimeWireUtils.getReque stedUserSettingsLocation(
at com.limegroup.gnutella.LimeCoreGlue.preinstall(Lim
at com.limegroup.gnutella.LimeCoreGlue.preinstall(Lim
at org.limewire.ui.swing.Initializer.preinit(Initiali
at org.limewire.ui.swing.Initializer.initialize(Initi
at org.limewire.ui.swing.GuiLoader.load(GuiLoader.jav a:41)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Nativ e Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknow n Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Un known Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at org.limewire.ui.swing.Main.main(


And Limewire wouldn’t open. I tried downloading it again and then tried for the previous version but when it came to opening Limewire, the same box appeared.
15. Modem–router setup: I don’t think I am port forwarding
16. Security : AVG anti-virus program (free)
17. Country: Australia
18. Setup changes: No

So I cleaned the cache and uninstalled Limewire, then deleted every file remaining in my Limewire folder and restarted the computer and downloaded it again and the same message appeared after the installation and Limewire would not open. Help, please.
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  #462 (permalink)  
Old July 29th, 2009
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Reinstall option
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  #463 (permalink)  
Old August 11th, 2009
Join Date: August 11th, 2009
Posts: 3
Og The Dog is flying high


I'm am a computer ignorant and have purcashed a legitimate copy of LW 5.2.13. When installing I get the following message - "The specified path does not exist" & "Check the path and try again".
What am I doing wrong??
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  #464 (permalink)  
Old August 11th, 2009
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Originally Posted by Og The Dog View Post

I'm am a computer ignorant and have purcashed a legitimate copy of LW 5.2.13. When installing I get the following message - "The specified path does not exist" & "Check the path and try again".
What am I doing wrong??
Sounds like you are running Vista. First, right-click LW installer, choose run as admin. Do same for LW shortcut after installing LW. If necessary, change location of your download folder to a folder you have 'full' permissions on ... might be wise to choose a different drive if possible.
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  #465 (permalink)  
Old August 11th, 2009
Join Date: August 11th, 2009
Posts: 3
Og The Dog is flying high

Thanks for that info. Am running XP and un-installed the failed installation then attempted to reload with the following message: "Errot opening file for writing". Have tried "Retry" with no success then "Ignore" with the download continuing but then without any way to start the program as "windows is unable to locate LimeWire.exe".
Do you have any other suggestions?
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  #466 (permalink)  
Old August 12th, 2009
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System details - help us to help you (click on blue link)

Try this approach: __ IF still no good, try Download ‘Other’ version & simply unzip & use!
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  #467 (permalink)  
Old August 15th, 2009
Join Date: August 11th, 2009
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Og The Dog is flying high

Thanks for the info, I'll give it a go.
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  #468 (permalink)  
Old October 12th, 2009
Join Date: October 12th, 2009
Posts: 7
Manwhoneedshelp is flying high

I get through the initial part where the installer is put on my computer. And it goes into the part where it says select language, which I do, then starts to download. It gets to a place where is says an older version of LW is running, and I should shut it off before continuing. The thing is, I have nothing else running except for that installer. And Ive tried to uninstall it myself before installing it but that didnt work. So i decided to tell it I shut off the old version, and it continues. and part way through it says file incomplete or corupt. and gives me the option to abort, retry, or ignore the file. Ive tried all three. retry imediate gives me the same options, abort cancels the installation, so i continue with ignore, and it does the same with one more file. I get to the end, and half the time it works. the other half it says download corrupt please download again. when it does work, I start up limewire, and it goes to the screen with the lime guy. and it just stays there. doesnt do the searching for limes thing or ANYTHING. just sits there. eventually it says another version of limewire is running and shuts that off. Ive tried restarting my computer and all different ways to make sure nothing is running that is getting confused with. And Im out of ideas now, after trying to install all the other versions i could find, and using the backup installer on this page. so hopefully someone can help me out

I have a Windows 2000 OS ?
im not sure, my computers in its dying years, and if you need anyother information that i should be posting but am probably forgetting, ill get it to you. Im not sure about my java either. and i cant seem to find it a.t.m. So hope someone can help me.

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  #469 (permalink)  
Old October 12th, 2009
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Try the approach in post #466 above. However, do Step 8 first about deleting the LW preferences. Then start from step 1.
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  #470 (permalink)  
Old October 12th, 2009
Join Date: October 12th, 2009
Posts: 7
Manwhoneedshelp is flying high

I was also wondering If I could use frostwire, a friend told me its basically the same thing, and to use it since lately ive been having problems with limewire. Ive used limewire for 7 years or so, and im just so used to it. but now I cant seem to get it to work for me.
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