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rbell29 January 6th, 2006 10:55 PM

once i download and then tried to install it just sits there. when i look at the error reprot it tells me there is a problem with subinstaller.exe. I alway allow limewire access on the security question. this is a new computer and java is installed. i have both msn and aol using broadband. I paid for limewirepro thru "" and its been a week now with nothing to show for it. i tried downloading the version" i seen on this site but still nothing. I NEED HELP.

andie January 7th, 2006 04:03 AM

Uninstall it(you will have major probs doing that)
Use something better like Morpheus.
The problems people have with Lime wire are staring you in the face,just read the posts.

andie January 8th, 2006 04:57 AM

No need to be a d***d Hobo

Forum Rules (click here)

andie January 8th, 2006 09:28 AM

What a sad little muppet you are.
You are boreing me now Hobo.
The only person who replies to my posts is you,aint you got anything else better to do.

Grandpa January 8th, 2006 10:11 AM


Below are a few links from other P2P app forums now go and troll in them for a while. I went back and read all of your post we all know what you are. You are not going to get what you want here. The only thing you will get here is banned. So go and play in another sand box.

These are links to your previous post

andie January 9th, 2006 02:25 AM

So telling people that downloading from the OFFICIAL site which if you read a lot of people have and getting infected by such things as surfsidekick 3 ,is in their heads and that they must of downloaded from somewhere else because the official site will never have uploads that are infected is wrong.
If you are not going to tell people to either make sure they have adequate computer protection before they download LimeWire from the official site i'll be here to tell them otherwise.
Unless you ban me

Lord of the Rings January 9th, 2006 02:35 AM

The "Official" LW site does not offer downloads with virii, spyware or adware! It's what you downld using LW that can find those types of things. WARNING: Viruses on network you should be aware of! (click on link) ie: staying away from files less than 1 MB (1,000 KB) in size & scanning all downlds with your anti-virus.

We check to make sure people obtained their copy of LW from the official site because: (1) there's lots of scam sites out there that make you pay money & they direct you to the free version of LW. (2) Some of these scam sites have their own adjusted versions of LW, which apparently have had spyware, etc. added to them is some cases.

Can you be banned for calling other members names & insulting them. The answer is yes. Cool it down everybody. Forum Rules (click here) And andie you are officially being warned once. Any more & expect action.

andie January 9th, 2006 08:19 AM

Nice to see omeone puting a decent post on here.
Warning,yes i,ll take that on the chin.
Hobo not geting a warning,what are you two friends of some sort :p

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