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Windows Problems with installing LimeWire or WireShare for Windows users

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old November 28th, 2006
Join Date: July 19th, 2005
Location: cornwall. uk
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peisner007 is flying high
Angry Can't update.

I have been using limewire for 12 months now. The programme tells me to update my version to 4.12. When I try this I am asked for my email address. I give this but am then told that this address dose not exist. You can't contact Limewire support about this issue because you have to give your email. If Limewires system dose not recognise your email're basically stuffed! It seems to me to be a pretty faceless and unresponsive system. Having paid for a lifetime membership i'm really getting annoyed. What's really even more annoying is that (having just posted this issue and reposted it after editing) your system has picked up my origional user name that I gave 12 months ago. How dose it do this when it dosen't recognise my email address!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old November 28th, 2006
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There you go, the answer is in your question...You purchased from a scam site....
There is no lifetime membership for Limewire Pro, only 6 months of updates and tech support and then you repurchase at a discounted price...

The only official site to get LW is at

Also it cost $18.88 US....

If you dont live for something...
You die for nothing...

Last edited by wondering why; November 28th, 2006 at 11:19 AM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old November 28th, 2006
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peisner007 is flying high
Default Really?

When I bought Limewire Pro I was offered 3 choices...Lifetime, 6 months or a month, I believe. Having just visited Limewires site it is still offering the same package. I paid $49 (£35) for the privelidge
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old November 28th, 2006
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Did you click on the link I provided you...

Whats the address for the site your going to...

If you dont live for something...
You die for nothing...
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old November 28th, 2006
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Wondering Why is right and you are wrong, you may think you are visiting the LW site but you have stumbled into a scam site.

There is no lifetime membership, scam sites offer that to gullible people to get them to keep paying for nothing, e.g. are you now paying a monthly subscription if so what do you think is it for?

You know that access to the internet cost you a monthly subscription to your ISP, the P2P network is already on the internet so you have paid for access already, unless you decide to pay a bunch of thieves for access you have already got.

I guess it is too late now to get your money back via your payment provider so take this as a lesson, do a little research first, to insure you are dealing with a reputable organisation, before parting with your payment details.

Shark Chum Bob

PS. I bet you probably have the bogus spyware app, the type that most scammers supply, only LW Basic which is free and that all important lifetime membership to something that doesn't exist.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old November 28th, 2006
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As WW asked, it would be nice to know which site you got it from to help others. You might even find it on this list Known Scam Sites (click on link). Apparently many of those sites are owned by the same people. They frequently open up new sites with new names & fad advertising, etc. ...

Possible clues on getting money back in the link I gave. And also this one, but as UKBob' said .... get your $$$ BACK!!! (music members)
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old November 29th, 2006
Join Date: July 19th, 2005
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peisner007 is flying high

When I joined Limewire I immeadiatly upgraded to PRO. This programme was then sent to an external HD for safe keeping. So, I may be wrong, but if I needed to reinstall Limewire and I did it from the external HD and then the LW site tells me to upgrade to 4.12.6, there should not be a problem? Having had to do this recently I have now "lost" some 2,500 media clips (they are in MY DOCS), but could you tell me how to get them back into the media player?
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old November 29th, 2006
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Do you mean you installed an update & it removed your downloads? If yes, then it sounds like you were downlding your files to the LW program folder. And the update has installed over the top of them. That's just a guess. Perhaps a file recovery utility might help. The default location for downloads is normally C:\Documents and Settings\"your account name"\Shared

If your downloads are still safe, then to get them back into media player, use the scan function of WMP. Using windows media player
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