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courry February 7th, 2004 08:04 PM

we need this yesterday!
We need an enhancement to hide our identities and the names of the files we are sharing ASAP. Without this feature I will have to use another service. (Thank you RIAA).

Morgwen February 8th, 2004 04:24 AM

First how will you hide your identity?

Hide the names and identity will not work, the RIAA needs only one open source client (there are a lot) to have the key.

Which service? There is NO one which can protect you against the RIAA. The only real protection is to share legal files.


courry February 8th, 2004 04:35 PM

I can think of several ways just off the top of my head on how it can be done. And so can other companies as these varieties of peer to peer products are on the marker now.

I want Xolox to get current with the market!

et voilà February 8th, 2004 04:39 PM

Sorry to tell you that, but XoloX is dead, their developpers are now proud to be in the great programming team :rolleyes: also better known as Morpheus :o (suggestion: use anything else than those two :p )


Morgwen February 8th, 2004 05:27 PM


Originally posted by et voilà
now proud to be in the great programming team :rolleyes: also better known as Morpheus :o
You are joking, are you? I heard that Xolox is discontinued but that they are working for Morpheus now is very hard to believe. But of course Morpheus needs developers with Gnutella experience even only one of the team has some (the only who left from the old Xolox team), did the Limewire and Phex developers decline the offer? :D Because Xolox is written in pascal and the new Morpheus client is using the Jtella source? which is written in Java.


et voilà February 8th, 2004 05:39 PM

Salut Morgwen! Morpheus is an mozaïc of other people engines: GnuDNA (and not Jtella wich was for V2 of Morpheus) for gnutella and G2, Mldonkey for Fasttrack and Overnet and work of a USA university for Neo. Kayaman and Ewok :D (I don't remember his nickname) have posted in the forum about their work in Morpheus and all and yes XoloX is indeed dead. Kayaman even told people to go to the gnuDNA forums if Morpheus has bugs with gnutella and G2 implementations (I doubt they code anything, they maybe pay chinese people to do the interface, who knows???:D ).


courry February 8th, 2004 05:52 PM

Boy! You go to sleep for a hundred years and everything changes!

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