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XoloX Feature Request Missing something? Let us know. XoloX has been discontinued. We highly recommend you use an actively developed client instead.

View Poll Results: What is your most wanted feature for XoloX?
Get rid of the freezes 5 17.86%
Include metadata (MP3 bitrate) 6 21.43%
Chat between users 0 0%
More default extensions 0 0%
Advanced options/statistics for nerds 8 28.57%
I'm crazy, I wanna help programming 2 7.14%
XoloX T-Shirts =) 1 3.57%
Something else... (describe) 4 14.29%
I'm K*ltus, I hate XoloX, you will be assimilated, restistance is futile! 2 7.14%
Voters: 28. You may not vote on this poll

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  #11 (permalink)  
Old September 28th, 2001
q-r q-r is offline
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Thumbs down

Just trying to suggest a good idea, I don't have the spcs in front of me...and since it is already implemented it was a good idea !

so I guess if I'm a troll, you are just a prick !


To all other people, sorry for this outburst...
  #12 (permalink)  
Old September 28th, 2001
Panthera Onca
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Default Hey.

Whetehr you have the 'specs' in front of you or not... if you had heard about, downloaded, and used the program you would already know. The fact that you had only 2 posts and were both the same worthless request tells me that you are either a troll or an idiot... I thought troll would be less offensive.

You can think I'm a prick if you like, I just hate seeing extremely ignorant crap like your suggestion. (But maybe you meant to post to the Bearshare or Limewire forums?)
  #13 (permalink)  
Old October 9th, 2001
Posts: n/a
Cool xolox needs!!!

xolox needs a preview option so you can preview incomplete files
and xolox uses to much ram so this is a big deal
yeah these are important as ive been told by a few xolox users
  #14 (permalink)  
Old October 13th, 2001
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puffa is flying high

I posted before I registered.

At least one of the other P2P download thingies lets you decide who you count as a freeloader by how many files they're sharing. You can effectively ignore people who aren't sharing files.

Saving window positions would be nice. It's minor, but I'd like it.

It's already pretty good. If it's not broke, don't fix it.
  #15 (permalink)  
Old October 13th, 2001
Panthera Onca
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All blocking freeloaders does is prompts people to lie in pongs sayign how many files they are sharing. In fact, I think BearShare already has this 'feature'... but I'll have to go looking in the freepeers.ini again to be sure.

I think window position saving between sessions will come soon... a while back positions weren't even saved between minimizing to the tray x.x
  #16 (permalink)  
Old October 15th, 2001
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puffa is flying high

If that's true about BearShare allowing users to lie about total share content, that's bad! I forget which other program let you decide who was freeloading but I think it was LimeWire, but don't quote me.

I confess I've never used BearShare. I tried LimeWire, DirectConnect (urgh), Gnotella, SwapNut (which I think is awful) and Xolox. I have to say I think Xolox is the best of the bunch.
  #17 (permalink)  
Old October 16th, 2001
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lazy dragon - retired mod
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Default Missing tool!

I am missing a tool, which is called bearshare!



I am not Kutulus but resistance is futile!
  #18 (permalink)  
Old October 16th, 2001
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Hehe Morgwen, if I wouldn't know you, I would say you're trolling around. However feel free to use both clients! So long, Moak
  #19 (permalink)  
Old October 22nd, 2001
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C=64 is flying high

I just wanted to make a make an argument against including MP3 bitrate information. While I know I'd greatly appreciate it, as would most of us users, it seems kinda dangerous.

Trading music via a peer-to-peer tool is legal suicide. Hence, music-specific clients like Napster, are a bad idea. By allowing the sharing and distribution of any material, not just music or other copyright-entangled mediums, there seems to be at least some argument that the client isn't a tool whose purpose is to aid copyright infringement - it's a file sharing facility whose danger is no more inherent then a network file share.

By parsing and displaying metadata specific to, say, music, that argument seems to be severely weakened - you're providing enhanced support for trading copyright infringing material.

'Course, in lieu of actually putting in the support yourself, if you provided us with some sort of plugin' system. I'm sure some of us more "industrious" users would be willing to take the hint.
  #20 (permalink)  
Old October 22nd, 2001
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lazy dragon - retired mod
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Originally posted by C=64
Trading music via a peer-to-peer tool is legal suicide. Hence, music-specific clients like Napster, are a bad idea.
Hi C=64!

Xolox is not Napster - Xolox uses the free Gnuetella net without a central server like Napster! You cannot unplug the server(s) like Napster (you have to travel a lot ). An it is more difficult to investigate for the organisations like RIAA...

Let me repeat XoloX/Gnutella is "not" Napster...


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