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XoloX Feature Request Missing something? Let us know. XoloX has been discontinued. We highly recommend you use an actively developed client instead.

View Poll Results: What is your most wanted feature for XoloX?
Get rid of the freezes 5 17.86%
Include metadata (MP3 bitrate) 6 21.43%
Chat between users 0 0%
More default extensions 0 0%
Advanced options/statistics for nerds 8 28.57%
I'm crazy, I wanna help programming 2 7.14%
XoloX T-Shirts =) 1 3.57%
Something else... (describe) 4 14.29%
I'm K*ltus, I hate XoloX, you will be assimilated, restistance is futile! 2 7.14%
Voters: 28. You may not vote on this poll

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  #31 (permalink)  
Old October 22nd, 2001
Join Date: October 21st, 2001
Location: Redmond, WA
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C=64 is flying high

Sigh... I write one of my overly verbose replies, and end up 3 steps behind the conversation. Doh!
But breaking down one single gnutella client of many others does result in no advantage for RIAA at all. Gnutella can't be controlled as far as we know yet. Gnutella's strength is the decentral topology, open protocoll (!) and the variety of clients.
But breaking down a Gnutella client does do the RIAA good.

First off, why on earth would they stop at just one? If they can do it once, then all the rest fall like dominos - the precedent will have already been set.

Second, the RIAA would be able to effectively terrorize whatever clients hope to fill the void into non-existance. I know I'M not going to write a client, because I can't afford a legal tangle with the RIAA. I'm going to assume most other devs are the same way.

Third, they won't be able to kill Gnutella directly. I completely concur. But they don't HAVE to. They will work to keep it from becoming popular. How do you do this? Kill the popular clients. While we may be savy enough to find a new client and move on, the general populus isn't so fortunate. And an unpopular peer-to-peer file sharing network is a pretty empty peer-to-peer file sharing network. And that just plain sucks. And sucking sucks. And... oh wait.

I'm scared of the day the RIAA decides to start sabotaging the gnet - denial of service requests, corrupt files mimicing useful content, etc. Or (even worse) creating their *own* client to peddle to the masses... [shudder]

On a completely different note, is there another forum we should move this discussion to? It's sounding less and less like a feature request.

That, or we could just agree to let the topic die a noble death. ?
  #32 (permalink)  
Old October 22nd, 2001
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Hi, your fears are theory yet.
I don't see or expect this will happen, because of adding metadata to gnutella.

Happy sharing, Moak

Last edited by Moak; October 22nd, 2001 at 08:13 AM.
  #33 (permalink)  
Old October 31st, 2001
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Moak is flying high

For those, who like to vote on polls.... check this:

"Which is the best Gnutella client?"

"Are segmented downloads unhealthy for the network"
  #34 (permalink)  
Old November 3rd, 2001
Posts: n/a

What I'd like to see on this excellent prog is the filename preserved in the Xolox\Temp directory, instead of "JOB-Segment207-591.xlx". I'd like to be able to identify the file segments that are there if I need some extra HD space. Thanks.

  #35 (permalink)  
Old November 4th, 2001
Posts: n/a
Default some humble requests

-to allow user to prioritize downloads, e.g. to pick ten files that are always attempted to be downloaded first or to be downloaded in parallel from several servers, rather than downloading other files.

-to preview partly downloaded files, I know thats been mentioned before, I know thats tricky with downloads from different sources.

-why does xolox eats up computing power, can't it be limited to something more moderate (e.g. 20% on a 400Mhz CPU), is it really essential for xolox to take more than 80% of CPU time after a few hours of running time.

- auto adjust download and upload limits, mostly I run with 4 instead of the default 3, however, then it often happens that 4 users connect to me and get a meagre 1kb/s download, I think it would be good for all if one would receive 4kb/sec and the others get nothing.

- oh yes, nerds, I would like to be able to see more stats about network performance etc. nothing essential but fun.

- I would like to be able to limit searches to files that have a minimum size.

- please don#t outo close the search tabs, if you are hunting for rare files, it might take many hours before you get a proper hit, but that this is possible is one of my favorits with using xolox. To reduce network congestion one might limit searches to an output of a 1000 files ore something like that, as soon as this limit is reached autoclose would be fine with me.
  #36 (permalink)  
Old November 7th, 2001
Posts: n/a

Upload re-write ?

I've been going thru all of the Gnutella Clients, and have noticed one very strange thing. Not many people seem to upload the files I have. I share over 11k files 2.9 Gb.

On Limewire and Bearshare within 60 seconds someone is downloading files. On Kazaa it takes a couple of minutes.
The Network comes up as ok.

Jesus wept, Just finished downloading a file. Does it have to update it's Index like that. Can you have an options tickbox that says "Show Filenames on Re-build", surely showing the names will slow the rebuild process down. Could you rebuild the index every hour once a file has been downloaded ?

BTW, I like the feel to it and please don't overcomplicate with chat etc, that's what mIRC there 4.
Oh.. Can you show howmany hosts you're connected to periodically, alternate the Network ok Text....
  #37 (permalink)  
Old November 8th, 2001
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Moak is flying high

> please don#t outo close the search tabs, if you are hunting for
> rare files, it might take many hours before you get a proper hit

hm no.

A typical search within a normal gnutella horizon is finished after minutes. What you might see is IMHO an accumulation of (old) search hits from new hosts connected, but this is not a real research. You will experience much better results (= more succesfull downloads), if you research periodically, e.g. every 15 minutes.

See here: "Searching indicator... "

Greets Moak
  #38 (permalink)  
Old November 8th, 2001
Posts: n/a
Thumbs up The good, bad, and ugly

The absolute best thing about XoloX is that there is no chat, no user names, no hassle. I hate to beg and plead with these total strangers to let my download finish. I can use the client without feeling like I need to kiss *** to get a file. That being said... I have a cable connection and my transfer speeds on XoloX are consistantly faster than anything out there.

I miss bitrates and track length on audio files, I am used to having them and want them. I want freeloaders blocked; they contribute nothing to the network. I don't need the option to control freeloaders myself, integrate a minimum into the software in order to function if you like.

My hard drive space stays limited. I barely have room to download a large video file and then burn it to disc. It is a major annoyance to have the incomplete (or pending) downloaded files named unaccordingly. And then I must have an additional 600MB in order to complete my 600MB file. That is the only absolute flaw with this client.

Overall, the beauty of this client is its "stripped down" approach. I don't want to chat or barter. I like the fact that the uploads and downloads are unstoppable. If nothing else, this is the best client for high speed connections.

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