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XoloX Feature Request Missing something? Let us know. XoloX has been discontinued. We highly recommend you use an actively developed client instead.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old September 21st, 2001
Posts: n/a
Default I`d be happy if...

These are the features I`d be happy to see XoloX adopt...

1. I`d like a "pause/stop/resume all" set of buttons

2. I DONT like the pause at the last 1% of a file. WHY does it HAVE to pause? It`s the only sharing app that does so!

3. Add "Priority" of downloads. Some files first, some last.

4. TYPE selection, for Odins shake! Click on "Type" and see all the mp3s you download, then the AVIs, then the MPEGs and so on. Even better, you could use some kind of "Virtual Folders", witch could be "Opened/Closed" so as to keep the display uncluttered (like the "Layers" in Photoshop 6)

5. The "find more" function that Morpheus has. The user would be able to fully disable the "search" function of XoloX, keeping it from searching continuously for more files (end eating up bandwidth). Then, a "manual" search could be done.

6. I don`t know if its currently implemented, but if a file is downloaded the user could go to the "search" tab and search for it, finding more mirrors witch would be added to the downloading file. This one goes together with "5"!

7. The ability to copy & paste filenames from the download list to the clipboard (so as to create a txt with what you download and so on)...

8. Smaller icons. Much smaller.

9. Different color code for the files in the download Que, depending on the number of sources available or the ammount of each file that has been transfered to our HD (user selected option).

10. Some "advanced" options wouldn`t seem bad, but under some "advanced" button or something (see ICQ and Getright)

These are my thoughts. See ya
  #2 (permalink)  
Old September 22nd, 2001
Join Date: September 11th, 2001
Posts: 15
laurentabcdef is flying high
Angry Please dont make Xolox a bad software, keep it simple and efficient

I hope Xolox team will do ONLY feature to will make Xolox more easier/fast to use and more EFFICIENT !!!

1. I`d like a "pause/stop/resume all" set of buttons

There is already : mouse right

2. I DONT like the pause at the last 1% of a file. WHY does it HAVE to pause? It`s the only sharing app that does so!

never saw that

3. Add "Priority" of downloads. Some files first, some last.

What for ?, Xolox will download all files anyway

5. The "find more" function that Morpheus has. The user would be able to fully disable the "search" function of XoloX, keeping it from searching continuously for more files (end eating up bandwidth). Then, a "manual" search could be done.

No auto search are not taking bandwith, its the number of host connected who use it. A button to double for a limited time, the number of host connect can be useful.

7. The ability to copy & paste filenames from the download list to the clipboard (so as to create a txt with what you download and so on)...

There is such a text file in the xolox dir

8. Smaller icons. Much smaller.

9. Different color code for the files in the download Que, depending on the number of sources available or the ammount of each file that has been transfered to our HD (user selected option).

Please no, i will hate multicolor screen

10. Some "advanced" options wouldn`t seem bad, but under some "advanced" button or something (see ICQ and Getright)

Sure not, i would prefer an inteligent optimizer (neural network or genetic algo trained on various Hardware and network configuration) who do the tuning for me. Anyway the network is changing every hours and i cant stay behind xolox to adjust parameters.

But to be kind with some users put some gauge (circular like in car) in a fourth tab prefferably with a new age design.

Best Regards
  #3 (permalink)  
Old September 23rd, 2001
Join Date: September 21st, 2001
Posts: 8
Baschtler is flying high
Default MOST WANTED !!!!

A "priority setting" is very usefull, when you see that there are many hosts for one file, but the file is queued cause you're downloading too many other files.

Just think of downloading videos with about 600 MB. One is maybe allready finished with about 89% or sth. and you wanna watch it this evening.

Don't you think, that in such a situation it can be very annoying when Xolox downloads 10 MP3's but not the file you want ????

You've got bandwith left, but the max. number of downloads is reached ....

I had been a view times in such a situation .... and I can tell you ... IT SUCKS !!!

Cause of this a priority setting is most wanted and needed ...

so long and thanks for the fish
  #4 (permalink)  
Old September 23rd, 2001
Join Date: September 11th, 2001
Posts: 15
laurentabcdef is flying high

About : "priority setting" is very usefull"" because Just think of downloading videos with about 600 MB. One is maybe allready finished with about 89% or sth. and you wanna watch it this evening.

In this case Select all Mp3 and use the PAUSE (mouse right), all the bandwith will be available for the movie

So is there any other raison to use a priority setting ?
  #5 (permalink)  
Old September 23rd, 2001
Join Date: September 21st, 2001
Posts: 8
Baschtler is flying high
Default Other reasons ... :)

Switching all the downloads to pause mode ???

Unfortunately you can't mark several files with one click. You would have to click every file and switch to "pause mode" manually. This is not acceptable. If you've got 10 files in your list you can do this .. OK.

But Xolox seems to be designed for DSL or users of other fast connection. The download lists of those useres will be usually very very large. Therefore "pause mode" doesn't satisfy.

And besides this, what happens if you're not watching the download all the time ... You're away and the movie is finished ... and all the other files ??? The download will pause untill you switch on every file manually ????

Maybe you see the advantage of a priority setting ...
  #6 (permalink)  
Old September 29th, 2001
Join Date: September 29th, 2001
Location: France
Posts: 1
Sboob is flying high
Angry I agree with Baschtler

I think prioritization would be great...

I completly disagree with the pause /resume system
  #7 (permalink)  
Old September 29th, 2001
Join Date: September 11th, 2001
Posts: 15
laurentabcdef is flying high
Thumbs up

yes i agree, prioritising is much better than pausing, but this feature seem usefull for urgents downloads only

For normal operation, this priority system will be useless if the download/auto search system is improved again a little.
  #8 (permalink)  
Old September 30th, 2001
Join Date: September 21st, 2001
Posts: 8
Baschtler is flying high
Default Priority setting

When sth. is urgent it's got to have priority. That's true and it's got an unbeatable logic, too !!!

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