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  • 1 Post By chrispeddler

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old January 20th, 2013
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Default Virtual Box

Hi There,

Just to add to the discussion, I am really keen on Virtual Box , which runs on most systems, it's like having another computer running inside your own, in fact you can have more than 1 ! Virtual box is an isolated enviroment, so NOTHING running in VB can get into your computer a bit like UK Bobbies Sandboxie. I run Ubuntu 12 at the moment, but I have VB running a windows XP machine, I also have other Clones running other operating systems, it's wonderful. I always keep a clean copy of XP for example which is done by a simple snapshot, very quick, not like the slow old '' Ghost '' syatem I used to use, same for the others ( Also this doesn't take a load of space on your disc ) Even with VB machines I still have anti virus etc on the XP version, but any problems and I can just erase the version I'm using without losing any data. This is not a very good description of VB but I for one am really thrilled with it
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old February 10th, 2013
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Sounds great! And great to see there's a mac version.

I use a similar concept for MacOSX but mine is not freeware. Thus I have Windows 2000, 7, 8 and two XP's. I'm yet to get a Linux to try out, something I should brave to do. But I'm not much of a terminal user. And I'm not sure which Linux would be best to try. I mostly only use these for testing, but do play the odd game.

There are a number of virtual softwares around. Apparently with some, you can open a particular virtual machine with other equivalent virtual softwares, not sure that's possible with Virtual Box.

You said virtual box is a totally closed environment. Does that mean you cannot copy files to or from it or connect to the internet? Such abilities are totally customisable with mine. If you want or don't want any interaction between and to what degree.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old May 16th, 2019
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chrispeddler is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

Sorry to dig up this old post. I happen to use VB too and downloading their latest version is a wise move so make sure you have your VB updated.
sleepybear91 likes this.
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