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General Vista, Windows 7 or later Support Concerns all issues with using LimeWire or WireShare in the Vista and Windows 7, 8 or 10 operating system

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old August 18th, 2012
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Default File_Girl's version error changing destination folder

Unable to change destination folder for downloads from C:\users\limewire\saved

Soon as I select a new folder, the program freezes. Any fix or info is appreciated. Other than this the program works.

Windows 7 64
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old August 18th, 2012
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This seems to be an inherent bug in the Windows version of LimeWire 5 and not only LPE. I tried both LPE versions and LW 5.5.9 with same issue. And it also seems to affect both Windows 7 and XP. I have not found any easy solution. Maybe File_Girl71 if/when she gets time can see if she can find a fix. But since this is most likely a bug in the original LW 5 code, I'm not sure.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old August 18th, 2012
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I just discovered this problem only seems to occur with Java 7 with all LW 5 versions. I tried on Windows 2000 with Java 6 and I was able to change save directories without problem.

If you are desperate to change directories, perhaps a downgrade of Java to Java 6 for now unless you specifically work with Java.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old October 17th, 2012
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Originally Posted by Tbone8801 View Post
Unable to change destination folder for downloads from C:\users\limewire\saved

Soon as I select a new folder, the program freezes. Any fix or info is appreciated. Other than this the program works.

Windows 7 64
I can think of a potential fix. Putting a props file inside the LW program folder specifying your desired download location. It's a manual way of doing it, but will tell LW as it opens that is the specified download location. If it works it will only work with 4.18 or later AFAIK. It's not a fantastic solution but an alternative to try.

I will try it out after a night's sleep and tell you if it works. I'm in the wrong startup drive at the moment to try it out.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old March 23rd, 2013
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I forgot about this issue until now.
You can find and open (with WordPad) the limewire.props file within the LW preferences folder and find this line: DIRECTORY_FOR_SAVING_FILES=
Change it to whatever location you prefer. For example:
the default is either:
DIRECTORY_FOR_SAVING_FILES=C\:\\Documents and Settings\\Username\\My Documents\\LimeWire\\Saved
DIRECTORY_FOR_SAVING_FILES=C\:\\Documents and Settings\\Username\\LimeWire\\Saved

changed to:
DIRECTORY_FOR_SAVING_FILES=C\:\\Documents and Settings\\Username\\My Documents\\Downloads\\LW Downloads
Notice there needs to be a double slash between directories.

Likewise you can manually change the download location of the media types by inserting extra lines into the props file. This also works. Example:
DIRECTORY_FOR_SAVING_video_FILES=C\:\\Documents and Settings\\Username\\My Documents\\My Videos

DIRECTORY_FOR_SAVING_audio_FILES=C\:\\Documents and Settings\\Username\\My Documents\\My Music

(But no blank lines between each line!) Don't forget to save the document keeping the .props file extension. And make sure LW is closed before you attempt this and not sitting in the Tray.

I know this is a hassle way to change the download directories, but since most people do not change them often, you will only need to do it once.

* Note: the folder must already exist before you make the above change. If it does not exist, create the folder first.

Oh and you might want to change DIRETORY_FOR_SAVING_LWS_FILES= to something else. It is a totally unused folder now because the LW Online Shop no longer exists. Perhaps make it same as your regular download folder and delete the original. (The Diretory misspelling is in the original LW code.)

There is a method for forcing LW to keep its incomplete files wherever you choose, not necessarily beside the download folder which it does by default. (If you use different directories for media types, then by default the incomplete folder usually moves next to where the audio downloads are. ie: same parent directory)
There is an alternate way to set the incomplete download folder location but is a little more complex.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old June 2nd, 2013
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Originally Posted by Lord of the Rings View Post
I forgot about this issue until now.
You can find and open (with WordPad) the limewire.props file within the LW preferences folder
I would love to do this but i do not see limewire.props file in programs/limewire/

I do see a language.props file but when i open it in wordpad. it has 1033 ...thats it?

Just install win 8. It connects and download but when i try and change desination folder... it freeze..


Just figured it out..... for noobs... Go to Search, click on programs and type Run into the search box. Open Run and type in %appdata%
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Last edited by Showtime Jesse; June 2nd, 2013 at 06:52 PM.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old August 10th, 2014
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This change download destination bug which caused the program to Freeze & inability to change download location has been fixed with WireShare version The bug has existed since the LimeWire 5.4.4 beta and was applicable to Java 1.7.

For anybody who is unaware, WireShare (using the original LPE source code) is an update to LimeWire Pirate Edition and fixes many bugs and improves overall performance in comparison.
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